MySubie's BLOG

Website design updates!

Hey fellas! We hope you are enjoying the new and fresh webdesign of!

We have updated the design and added new features such as Site-Search tool at the top left area.

Full list of updates:
  • Brand new mobile navigation style

  • Mobile models icons were designed in more funky n fresh style

  • New SEARCH button. CART and MENU buttons were aligned to the top and matched the style

  •  New color! Old style was pretty boring and had only black, grey and orange colors at all. Now we love to introduce the morning blue colored accents!
We love it!

  • Now all listings are smooth and rounded! And also we added the small +cart icon at the button.

  • Re-leathering (Custom steering wheels) auto calculator with images!

Now you can see what wheel you pick! Also calculate your custom steering wheel project :)

  • Noticed our strong sides on the Home page!
  • And for sure, fixed few bugs that been caused on low screen resolutions desktop.
  • Minor color corrections everywhere!

And thank you everyone who support us and choose us!


