MySubie's BLOG

Shipping to USA and Canada paused till 18th January 2022 due Holidays shipping chaos.

Nobody wants their packages got lost right? We don't either

So we've decided to take a little break on shippings to North America in December.
Shipping to USA/CANADA closes 18th November.
Opens 5th January!

Why so? 

Consuming of the US and Canada is incredibly high due the last month of the year, and usually Postal services can't provide enough delivery power to serve all the clients and some packages getting lost, major of them hardly delayed.

We don't want let you, our customers, worry about the shipping issues. We can't guarantee that your parcels got delivered in the right shipping time frames in that period of time.

Can I still buy?

Yes, if you are willing to wait until January.

Yes, if you are from Europe, Australia and NZ.

Yes, if you are from North America and don't really care about shipping time frames.

Thank you for understanding and have a nice holidays dear Subaru Enthusiasts!

2021-11-17 11:37